The Code
//Our array of data, shortened to save screen space.
var events = [{
event: "ComicCon",
city: "New York",
state: "New York",
attendance: 240000,
date: "06/01/2017",
function buildDropDown()
// Get the drop down menu from page
let dropDownMenu = document.getElementById('eventDropDown');
// Empty innerHTML to ensure it is clean
dropDownMenu.innerHTML = '';
// Get our events
let currentEvents = getEventData();
// Filter Cities - get array of city names
// Pull out city names
let eventCities = =>;
// filter the cities to only DISTINCT city names
let distinctCities = [ Set(eventCities)]; //... spread operator that makes an array. Set(an object, with a constructor (a function or method that creates and object) takes in array and gives back only distinct values
// Get template from page
const template = document.getElementById('dropDownItemTemplate');
// Copy Template
let dropDownTemplateNode = document.importNode(template.content, true); // Import node is how we grab our template from the page. .content gets us what's inside the template. True is deep copy includes child elements of that template. false is shallow copy would not get the child elements.
// Get <a> tag
let menuItem = dropDownTemplateNode.querySelector('a'); // Takes a css selector and gives back the first thing that matches the css selector
// Change the text
menuItem.textContent = 'All Cities';
menuItem.setAttribute("data-string", "All");
// Add item to the page
dropDownMenu.appendChild(menuItem); //Append puts it at the end. Puts menuItem on the drop down menu.
for (let index = 0; index < distinctCities.length; index++)
let cityMenuItem = document.importNode(template.content, true);
let cityButton = cityMenuItem.querySelector('a');
cityButton.textContent = distinctCities[index];
cityButton.setAttribute("data-string", distinctCities[index]);
// Get events from storage
function getEventData()
let currentEvents = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('nautilog--eventData')) //Shared across all js on the browser so be careful of super common names. JSON javascript object notation. Parse turns a string into a data type.
// The above assigns the stored data to currentEvents. Since this doesn't exist yet, it is null. Then the If statement fires because it is null, assigns currentEvents to events, stores it, and then returns it.
if (currentEvents == null)
{ //No value, the abscence of a value.Undefined means it hasn't been assigned.
currentEvents = events;
localStorage.setItem('nautilog-eventData', JSON.stringify(currentEvents)); //Serialiazation - taking an object and turning it into a string.
return currentEvents;
function displayStats(currentEvents)
let totalAttendance = calcTotal(currentEvents);
let averageAttendance = calcAverage(currentEvents, totalAttendance);
let mostAttended = calcMostAttended(currentEvents);
let leastAttended = calcLeastAttended(currentEvents);
document.getElementById('total').textContent = totalAttendance.toLocaleString();
document.getElementById('average').textContent = averageAttendance.toLocaleString("en-US", {maximumFractionDigits: 0,minimumFractionDigits: 0});
document.getElementById('most').textContent = mostAttended.toLocaleString();
document.getElementById('least').textContent = leastAttended.toLocaleString();
//Calculation functions
//Function to calculate the total attendance of all events
function calcTotal(currentEvents)
let sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < currentEvents.length; i++)
let currentEvent = currentEvents[i];
sum += currentEvent.attendance;
return sum;
function calcAverage(currentEvents, totalAttendance)
let total = totalAttendance;
let average = total / currentEvents.length;
return average;
function calcMostAttended(currentEvents)
let max = currentEvents[0].attendance;
for (i = 0; i < currentEvents.length; i++)
let currentEvent = currentEvents[i];
if (currentEvent.attendance > max)
max = currentEvent.attendance;
return max;
function calcLeastAttended(currentEvents)
let minimum = currentEvents[0].attendance;
for (i = 0; i < currentEvents.length[i]; i++)
let currentEvent = currentEvents[i];
if (currentEvent.attendance < min)
minimum = currentEvent['attendance'];
return minimum;
function displayEventData(currentEvents)
let tableBody = document.getElementById('tableBody');
const tableRowTemplate = document.getElementById('eventTableRowTemplate');
tableBody.innerHTML = '';
for (i = 0; i < currentEvents.length; i++)
let eventRow = document.importNode(tableRowTemplate.content, true);
let currentEvent = currentEvents[i];
let tableCells = eventRow.querySelectorAll("td");
tableCells[0].textContent = currentEvent.event;
tableCells[1].textContent =;
tableCells[2].textContent = currentEvent.state;
tableCells[3].textContent = currentEvent.attendance;
tableCells[4].textContent =;
function getEvents(element)
{ //Entry point function
let currentEvents = getEventData();
let cityName = element.getAttribute('data-string');
let filteredEvents = currentEvents;
if (cityName != 'All')
filteredEvents = currentEvents.filter(
function (event)
if (cityName ==
return event;
document.getElementById('statsHeader').textContent = cityName;
function saveEventData()
let eventName = document.getElementById('newEventName').value;
let cityName = document.getElementById('newEventCity').value;
let eventAttendance = parseInt(document.getElementById('newEventAttendance').value);
let eventDate = document.getElementById('newEventDate').value;
eventDate = `${eventDate} 00:00`;
eventDate = new Date(eventDate).toLocaleDateString(); //A constructor to turn it into a date object Date type class has a method/function
let stateSelect = document.getElementById('newEventState');
let state = stateSelect.options[stateSelect.selectedIndex].text;
let newEvent = {
event: eventName,
city: cityName,
state: state,
attendance: eventAttendance,
date: eventDate,
let currentEvents = getEventData();
localStorage.setItem('portofcall--eventData', JSON.stringify(currentEvents)); //Locals torage only holds strings! MUST STRINGIFY
// Update the page
document.getElementById('statsHeader').textContent = 'All';
The code is structured in ten functions. Called functions will be detailed in their own sections.
Click a headline()
to scroll to that section of the code. And click
function name within the code to scroll to that write up section.
This function starts when our page is first loading. It's main task is to build our drop down menu and populate it with each city name from every event in our user's list. It does this by grabbing the whole list of events, then filtering it down to smaller lists based on information returned from the button. Then it asks more functions to complete their tasks and put all this information on the page.
looks into the local storage of the user's browser and checks if they
have any event
information there. If it doesn't find anything, it sets it to the default event information we have.
takes in our list of currentEvents
and then calls upon our
four calculation functions to give it the values it needs to then put
the stats of each city's list of events at the overall stats section of our page, near the dropdown.
is passed currentEvents
and simply calculates the total amount
of attendees for either all or the city-filtered
is given currentEvents
and totalAttendance
calculates the average attendance of all or the city-filtered events.
is passed currentEvents
and then compares the
attendance amount of each event and gives us the highest amount.
is given currentEvents
then it compares the attendance
amount of each event and gives us the
is one of our major functions for displaying information onto the
page. It is given the currentEvents
to work with. It grabs a template, or section of
HTML that we can use over and over, then for each of the events in our currentEvents
uses the template to create a table row filled with the information of a single event =.
is caleld upon by our different city buttons. It enables the filter for our
list by grabbing the city name from the HTML element, then we ask if the
corresponding button name isn't "All" then it uses the city name retrieved and filters the
based on the city name. It then also changes the header for our stats
changing it from "All Cities" to the name of the city the events took place in.
Our final function,
is fairly important. It works with our 'Create Event'
button from the page. It reaches into each part of the form, takes the information the user has input
and then creates an object that is added to our event list. It then stores that in the local storage of
the browser, and updates the page to include the new event.